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Passmores Academy

Passmores Academy

Improving upon our best


Ofsted Inspections

At Passmores we pride ourselves on putting the needs of our community above whatever the latest government focus is; this means league table positions are less important to us than our young people leaving as well-rounded citizens. However, the school is inspected by the government's inspection service, Ofsted, on a regular basis in line with national guidelines.

Under the latest guidance, a good or outstanding school can be expect to receive an Ofsted inspection approximately each four years. This time can vary depending on the level of success the school is judged to be having based on a variety of external measures.

Ofsted carries out both full school inspections and specific inspections focussing on individual subjects or areas of the school's general provision.

Passmores Academy was inspected by Ofsted in February 2024 for a period of two days by a team of 3 people (one observing the process).

The full report for this inspection can be viewed in the pdf document on this page.

All of our inspection reports can be seen here.

Any questions regarding the school's Ofsted inspections should be directed to the Principal in the first instance.

Performance Tables

Here is a link to the Department for Education's website, where you can access performance tables for any school in England and Wales.

You can filter by school name, type of school, or local area and use the data to inform comparisons you are making between schools.